Real Housewives of D.C. Blog/Episode 4
Hello everyone. Â It seems like the summer has gone by so fast. While the summer may be coming to an end our new D.C. Housewives are starting to heat up! We are now four episodes in and I think last night was really a breakthrough episode for the ladies. I think it will get everyone talking. So let's tawk!
We started out by seeing Stacie and her sorority sisters talking about her birth mother and father. My heart went out to Stacie as I heard Stacie tell the story of her birth mother and how she came into the world. It seems her mother is a white woman married to a white man and it would cause the mother's life "great problems" if her current husband and family knew of Stacie. These situations are often complicated. Her mother could have terminated the pregnancy but instead gave her life. Sadly, she didn't want to be a part of her babies life. I feel sorry for Stacie and hope she gets the therapy she needs to come to terms with this kind of rejection. Stacie kept herself very composed in this scene, but you could see the sadness in her eyes and could tell that she was holding back tears. The inner turmoil that Stacie must feel I cannot even begin to imagine. Stacie is a smart and beautiful woman with a wonderful husband and family. Therapy will help her heal and she has to remember that her real parents are the ones who brought her up. They are the ones who took her to the doctor, helped her with her homework and were there for her when she broke up with her first boyfriend. Maybe her mother will see this episode and change her mind, but probably not, so she needs to find her inner voice to help her move forward.
Next up we see Michaele and Mary welcoming hair stylist, Ted Gibson, to D.C.. The thing that struck me about this scene and a scene a little later is that Mary is starting to show a little bit of a catty side to her. Did it really matter that Ted hugged Michaele first? Was it that important that she had to bring it up to the poor guy and make him feel awkward? Later in the episode Mary made a snide remark regarding knowing Michaele from back when she sold makeup at a department store. Obviously Mary never had a real job or she wouldn't have made that dig because we all know that there is nothing wrong with working in a department store. I do respect Mary for always letting her children know that they can always come home to get their life back on track but why is it off track? As for high gloss black walls in her dining room, Cat and her friend were out of line. Cat can be opinionated but why so mean? Taste is personal. What one person likes sometimes another doesn't. I think Cat is picking a fight with everyone. WHY? She is obviously unhappy.
Thus far this season we'd seen Lynda come across much harder and I thought her scene with her family showed a more personal side to her life. I still have to wonder what it is she seems to know about Michaele and Tareq that we have not been made privy to yet. She says in essence she misses the old Michaele. What does that mean? Seems like she will be saying " I told you so!" very soon! Â This is going to be an interesting story.
Which brings us to the trip to the vineyard. We see Stacie, husband Jason, Cat, Mary and Ted Gibson's partner, Jason in a limo going to Oasis Vineyards. It is in the limo that we hear our first version of what happened at the Congressional Black Caucus Dinner that Jason and Ted attended with Michaele and Tareq. I know the evidence is starting to build on Michaele and Tareq's antics, and while Jason's story seemed very genuine, still, there were no cameras there. We truly do not know what happened. It is possible it was a mix up? It is very hard to believe they just snuck into the party and then after speaking with Secret Service they get into the VIP area. I feel the tides are turning on her.
I can't end this without talking about the vineyard! What was the story with this place? This is the first I heard Tareq talk about any litigation. Did he say with his mother? I come from a family that respects their elders and certainly the matriarch of the family. I think fighting over money is general is gross and personally, I would NEVER sue family over money no matter how wrong they might be. Once Tareq knew his mother was trying to stop the filming, he should have stopped and done it another day.
The grapes were obviously not in season and not from the vines on the property. Tareq got carried away with his " 3 gallons of juice and you win a bottle of wine." I have promoted myself and business on our show, but this wine business is really starting to annoy me. Enough. Now lets talk about Cat. Wow! What a mouth on that one. She should not have come. She was so rude for no reason. Regarding the lunch.....Micheale is a major passive aggressive personality. Constant digs and smiles. If the mute was on you would think she was having fun.
In closing, what did you think of next week's previews? Wow! How does that quaint little lunch go so wild? I can't wait to see.
Have a great week and remember to visit me at for news and updates!