Sign up for Fan Page on Facebook of Secrets of Jewish Mother !

I know it is 6 months away...but we can't hold back! We are still "discussing" the cover design and you will be the first to see it if you sign up on FAN page. We will offer presales can be the first to read it. Everything you want to know about Friendship, Marriage, Dating, Money and so much more. We will post a fun questionaire too that you can share in your office or with your friends and family that will make you cry, it's so funny. THANK YOU for asking us to write this! We will be on book tour in April. If you have a large place we can do a book signing let us know. Gloria is NOT a great traveler as you can seeing the 3 of us together will be limited. Email me your ideas and we will try to get to ask many places as possible. If you are a journalist , blogger or in the media and want to review the book or interview me at