Season 5 Week 2 Reflections and Thoughts Out Loud

Hi everyone. So...what do I I watch the show..not watch the the and not matter what I say or do I get judged. How would you feel if everything you did was scrutinized. Since I know the REAL truth..watching Sonja hit on the contractor ,Luann forgive Ramona...after they both admitted they don't really like each other, Ramona has called her daughter a drug addict, Luann a whore on and on. Ramona a drunk .they hug and make up. How SICK is it and how unreal because if I had to accept that they would forgive each other so quickly after they have each said the most hateful, heinous things to each other, makes me want to vomit. Even The Jewish Journal blogger has said she won't be blogging the show anymore. Click here to read her LAST RHNYC blog I have so many things I want to say but as Bobby says..."If you have nothing nice to say..." or save it for later! Hah! I can't tell you how much I love reading your tweets and comments here on Since I don't have enough room here..I will be sending out my next newsletter Wednesday sharing some of the stuff we have been doing lately and what I have coming up. I tweeted today...I love waking up to trees, birds and the smell of cut grass..much better than cement! We have been in the hamptons ALOT since I don't have to do anything for the show anymore ( can you see the BIG SMILE across my face thru your computer screen?) I am relieved to not have anyone write mean things about my family and criticize my every word and move. It is much more fun watching Reality than actually being on an ensemble cast where they talk behind your back for sport. I know many of you have said you watched the first episode and won't watch again..or didn't watch any of the season..or watch it and feel guilty. Please know how I understand how you feel. You were asked to invest yourselves into a group of women and feel attached. So did we. We also were attached to all of you. I have actually made friends with some of you and you know who you are. All of the crap was worth taking knowing I would not have met you if not for Bravo and for that we must all accept and be grateful.I am sure you have heard by now that the rating were down 200,000. Actually there is a website called that analyze all the rating since the beginning. It was very cool to see it all in writing and many people in reality television will be waiting anxiously for tonights ratings to come out. Why? Because people want to know...are you watching the show because it is RHNYC and it doesn't matter who is cast..or is the cast critical to the success of a show. Remember Dallas? ( probably not!) Well it's back BTW. One season was completely erased and called "The Dream" season because the rumor was they fired Bobby Ewing who was rumored wanted too much money and then when the fans backlashed against the network with a Boycott, call in. write in campaign ( there were no blogs, emails, tweets or Facebook back in the OLD DAYS) . The had to "eat crow" and bring back Bobby with a huge raise. I am sure Bravo is contemplating a cast "renovation" on the other cities and evaluating the success or failure of RHNYC cast. Also...what will they do next season? Will they recast again? Bring back all or some of this cast? A lot of decisions are riding on the success or failure of RHNYC Season 5. The question is..does anyone care anymore? Is the "party" over? Can you ever get back or "go back" to what was "television Magic" the original cast? Did they change too many cast members at once> RHOC was successful in changing cast members because it was subtle. Lauri one season. Jeana the next. Not all 4 at the same time. Will anyone be fired for the millions of dollars in advertising currently being refunded for the promise of certain ratings for making the decision? All these questions will be answered in the next few weeks. If you are even thinking that the cast could be asked back..the fans would have do pull off a DALLAS move. I am certainly not advocating anything..just thinking of all the scenarios out loud. Or thinking and writing them! I speak to you all from my heart...and I speak the it our not...I always keep it REAL. XOXO Jill