Episode 3 Play by Play
Last Scene
I don't think the Count will like this one!
4 th Commercial Break
Kelly riding..Ramona visits...ramona gets snubbed. What is Ramona wearing? So funny. Kelly looks regal. Ramona..not even close to Kelly's height. What is with Ramona's rules? Wait to be spoken too?Â
Russell's Purple Party...The decor was outrageous..Mario would not leave me alone about the tennis thing. Everyone and everything purple except the girls. I was cut off at the etiquette sentence and it was not said that way. Lips...I won't do it..but I really do want my lipstick to stay on. Intergrity...is RAmona kidding...I am not a cheater and resent the accusation from Ramona. How dare she. STEAL? CHEAT? That is what I would do? I don't appreciate that nasty comment and will not get over that one for a while. Governor...it was worse. Mario leaves the conversation and says " don't forget to watch the show". Mario...he is BLIND. Unbelievable.Â
Boot Camp...OMG..how embarrassing and UGLY I looked. I need a hair/makeup person with me at all times! I have no clue what i was coming for and was not prepared. I never laughed so hard. Thank you Luann..for treating us to a very nice morning. BTW..it looks like I had work done on the side of my face..buy swear I didn't.
My favorite scene so far THIS SEASON is when Simons says " I feel the HEEEEAAAAAT" Â BTW..is transdermal even a word? I don't know why but I feel this will be talk soup heaven.Â
Kelly...not that interesting a scene but her snubbing Ramona was priceless. Good for Ramona to say something. It wasn't nice but there is some joy in seeing Ramona getting what she is known to dish to other people I know
See you next commercial!.
Luann at children's etiquette class. I want to hear what all of you think before I give my opinion. Luann looked beautiful as did the table.
Van Kempen packing..It high season..go go go...not a vacation. HUH? No one told them to go to all the parties they went to.Â
Hair Salon..how funny was BRAD? I love the hair piece! I don't even remember saying that. Ally in Paris...I was so scared she was hurt. Bethenny getting a blow job? SO FUNNY! ( Blowdryer...get it?) Franky is great.
I am selling my yellow Pucci Dress on EBAY next week. and Prada shoes that match.Â
Party...FAg Hag outfit..loved Luann's look. Why does Bravo play that horribel music? Brad was crazy dancing you can't even tell how crazy. He was humping me like a dog! I love Bethenny's smile
Next scene...watch the Governor !