Please sign up FREE at and get ready for Tuesday night!

Hi everyone! Now that I am getting so many emails, FACEBOOK comments, twitter, and MY SPACE comments I can't respond to all of them. I have a new channel on that celebrities use to communicate with their fans and support their favorite charities. I have hired a web designer and assistant to help me upload and manage all these lines of communication. By providing me the ability to personally reach out to my fan base, StarCAM® allows me to control my personal information. Although tabloids are wildly entertaining, many times they publish false, misleading, and hurtful information. StarCAM® allows me to personally provide truthful and accurate information. StarCAM® gives me and other celebrities exclusive control of their images. There are websites upon websites that sell and profit from celebrity photos, without any authority from the celebrity. We have to have a way to pay for all the support needed to keep the content current on all our website mediums. I hope you find this a win win situation. . Celebrities are compensated minimally for their time, while their fans get personalized access like never before! I will still be reading the blogs and people comments as always. However, I can GUARANTEE I will respond to an email personally on and offer video/audio chats. As an introduction...they are giving all my fans 100 FREE credits so you can try it out. Lots of you want specific advice on a new business idea, travel recommendations and love advice...I hope you think my time it worth a few dollars and support many charites. Certainly cheaper than buying a guide or advice book! I will be testing a LIVE VIDEO/AUDIO Blog at StarCAM® on Tuesday night at 10PM EST. If it is successful and you like it ( I am sure you will tell me!) I will do it weekly even when The Real Housewives of New Jersey starts. Based on can suggest other TV or Reality TV shows you want to video chat about. As you know..I am a TIVO junkie and love my TV! I look forward to what freedom StarCAM® will offer both of us and we will reevaluate its success in a few weeks. Love, Jill Zarin